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We hereby want to invite you to the 15th seminar of our Swedish IT Security Research Network for Ph.D. students (SWITS 2015). Previous SWITS seminars have been arranged by Karlstad University, Stockholm University/KTH, BTH, Linköping University, Chalmers University of Technology, Skövde University, Örebro University, Lund University and Uppsala University, where at each seminar we had about 25-60 participating PhD students and supervisors from Swedish Universities/University Colleges and other Swedish research organisations.
Aims of the SWITS network and seminars are:
- To enhance cooperation between research labs and PhD student
- To offer the PhD students the possibility to present their research work, to get feedback and inspirations
- To discuss future activities and projects
- To identify courseware usable on national level and make these available to participating departments
- To identify existing PhD courses at Swedish Universities/ University Colleges and make them available for all students within the network
- To participate in the organization of compact IT security courses or summer schools for PhD students at international level and open them for all students of the network
- To share outside/expert lecturers
(see also: ).
This year, the SWITS 2015 seminar will be held from 11-12 June 2015 in Sätra Brunn, which should be easy to reach for most SWITS partners. Daniel Hedin from Mälardalens Högskola will be the local organiser.
PhD students will again have the opportunity to present their research to an auditorium of other PhD candidates and research advisors. All PhD students that want to participate are requested to submit a one-page abstract of a presentation about their current research.
The abstract should be in English and should be sent by the 12th May 2015 to Simone Fischer-Hübner ( Presentations will be in English and will be 10-20 minutes (depending on the number of presentations) plus at least 10 minutes for questions.
Besides, research groups will again be invited to give an overview of their research work.
As in previous years, we also plan to have parallel thematic workshops at the SWITS seminar this year. The purpose of the thematic workshops is to allow more extensive discussions among PhD students and supervisors from different research groups working on related topics. They should help to intensify the cooperation between Universities working on similar issues in the area of research and research education. The themes of the thematic workshops will be suggested based on the topics of the submitted abstracts.
Besides, we plan to include invited presentations by MSB and industry representatives - more details will follow. Please feel welcome to send us further suggestions.
More about the SWITS 2015 seminar program is found here:
Thursday, 11th June 2015:
10:30 Arrival, Coffee for early arrivals
11:00 Welcome, Introduction, research group presentations
PhD student presentations/discussion
12:30 Lunch
13:30 PhD student presentations/discussions, & invited talk
17:00 Parallel workshops on cooperation within research and education
Evening: Social event, Dinner
Overnight at Hotel Sätra Brunn
Friday, 12th June 2015:
9:00 Summing up the first day,
9:15 Cont. of PhD student presentations/discussions
Invited presentation
12.30 Lunch
13:30 PhD student presentations/discussions
Invited presentation
15:15 Summing up of seminar results, future of SWITS
15:30 Coffee, End of SWITS 2015
- By Monday, 27th April 2015: Please register to SWITS 2015 by emailing to Daniel Hedin ( your name, mail and email address, approximate arrival and departure time, plus information about dietary requirements if applicable, and the organisation number of your University.
We will book the hotel for the night from Thursday to Friday at a rate of 400 SEK which you will pay to the hotel at arrival. If you want or need to arrive on Wednesday or leave on Saturday this can be arranged with the hotel at the rate between approximately 600 and 950 SEK/night. In this case, please contact Daniel asap for further information.
- As mentioned above, all PhD students are invited to send a one-page abstract of their presentation to Simone Fischer-Huebner ( by the 12th May 2015.
- The web site with the draft seminar program, abstracts of presentations and instructions how to reach to Sätra Brunn will be made available to the participants by the 29th May 2015.
We are looking forward very much to seeing you at the seminar and to further cooperation!
Best regards,
Simone Fischer-Hübner and Daniel Hedin.