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Timing Predictability and Security in Safety-critical Industrial Cyber-physical Systems: A Position Paper
Publication Type:
Journal article
Applied Sciences--Special Issue "Emerging Paradigms and Architectures for Industry 4.0 Applications"
Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) are systems that are developed by seamlessly integrating computational algorithms and physical components, and are a result of the technological advancement in the embedded systems and distributed systems domains, as well as the availability of sophisticated networking technology. Many industrial CPSs are subject to timing predictability, security and functional safety requirements, due to which the developers of these systems are required to verify these requirements during the their development. This position paper starts by exploring the state of the art with respect to developing timing predictable and secure embedded systems. Thereafter, the paper extends the discussion to time-critical and secure CPSs and highlight the key issues that are faced when verifying the timing predictability requirements during the development of these systems. In this context, the paper takes the position to advocate paramount importance of security as a prerequisite for timing predictability, as well as both security and timing predictability as prerequisites for functional safety. Moreover, the paper identifies the gaps in the existing frameworks and techniques for the development of time- and safety-critical CPSs and describes our viewpoint on ensuring timing predictability and security in these systems. Last but not least, the paper emphasise the opportunities that artificial intelligence can provide in the development of these systems.
author = {Saad Mubeen and Elena Lisova and Aneta Vulgarakis Feljan},
title = {Timing Predictability and Security in Safety-critical Industrial Cyber-physical Systems: A Position Paper},
volume = {11},
number = {3345},
pages = {1--17},
month = {April},
year = {2020},
journal = {Applied Sciences--Special Issue {"}Emerging Paradigms and Architectures for Industry 4.0 Applications{"}},
url = {}