Antti Salonen, Senior Lecturer

Antti Salonen is a Senior Lecturer and researcher. In June 2011 he presented his dissertation "Strategic maintenance development in manufacturing industry". Antti has 21 years experience from manufacturing industry and have worked with Industrial Maintenance for 12 years. Apart from his own research, Antti is supervising PhD students and lecturing in Maintenance and Dependability. Further, Antti is the Coordinator of the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs within Production and Logistics at Mälardalen University.

The scope of Antti's research is Strategic Development of Production Maintenance within manufacturing industry. His current research is focused on dynamic planning of preventive maintenance. The research is part of the project ”Data Analytic In Maintenance Planning” financed by Vinnova.

PhD students supervised as assistant supervisor:

Ali Rastegari
Niklas Friedler