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A Prototype Tool for Flow Analysis of C Programs



Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


WCET 2002 Workshop


We describe a prototype tool for flow analysis. The purpose of the tool is to statically analyse C programs in intermediate code format, and to calculate flow information, like loop bounds. This information will be used by a subsequent low-level analysis to calculate a final worst case execution time. We describe the main steps of the tool, and analyse a simple example to illustrate our method.


author = {Jan Gustafsson and Bj{\"o}rn Lisper and Christer Sandberg and Linus Sj{\"o}berg},
title = {A Prototype Tool for Flow Analysis of C Programs},
editor = {Guillem Bernat},
month = {June},
year = {2002},
booktitle = {WCET 2002 Workshop},
url = {}