Hongyu Pei Breivold works as a Principal Scientist within Software Architecture and User Experience Group at ABB Corporate Research. She started working for ABB in 1994, and her experience includes participation and management of company-wide technology and software-intensive system development projects within different domains. She worked as a consultant in year 2001. She got her PhD in 2011, and her main research interests include software evolution in general, Cloud computing and Internet-of-things technologies, and their applications in industry. She has been responsible for the development of courses on industrial systems in cloud computing both at the second- and third-cycle education levels.
A Flexible Task Design for Industrial Embedded Systems (Nov 2020) Niclas Ericsson, Johan Åkerberg, Mats Björkman, Tomas Lennvall, Stig Larsson , Hongyu Pei-Breivold 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2020)
Management of Service Level Agreements for Cloud Services in IoT: A Systematic Mapping Study (Jun 2018) Saad Mubeen, Sara Abbaspour, Alessandro Papadopoulos, Mohammad Ashjaei, Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Moris Behnam Journal of IEEE Access (ACCESS)
SLAs for Industrial IoT: Mind the Gap (Aug 2017) Alessandro Papadopoulos, Sara Abbaspour, Mohammad Ashjaei, Saad Mubeen, Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Moris Behnam The 4th International Symposium on Inter-cloud and IoT (ICI 2017) (ICI'17)
Internet-of-things and Cloud Computing for Enabling Smart Industry: A Mapping Study (Mar 2017) Hongyu Pei-Breivold
Delay Mitigation in Offloaded Cloud Controllers in Industrial IoT (Mar 2017) Saad Mubeen, Pavlos Nikolaidis , Alma Didic , Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Kristian Sandström, Moris Behnam Journal of IEEE Access (ACCESS)
Ensuring Quality of Service through Modeling of Service-level Agreements in Industrial IoT (Jun 2016) Saad Mubeen, Hongyu Pei-Breivold, Moris Behnam 12th Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop (SNCNW 2016)