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IDT Open Seminar: Introduction to high availability cluster systems
Erland Hedman (Xdin AB)
Start time:
2013-04-26 14:15
End time:
2013-04-26 15:15
The seminar will provide an overview of open source solutions for High Availability with elements of cluster solutions, redundancy, load balancing and virtualized cluster solutions. Furthermore, the seminar will provide examples of how a subset of such solutions can be deployed on resource-constrained embedded systems which will also be demonstrated on a small cluster of ARM-based embedded hardware.Content:
Introduction to high availability cluster systems:
(The big picture - and what we can learn from this in order to apply this in a resource- constrained embedded system)
• High Availability design
• Why all these nines
• Why Quorum
• Fencing
• Fail-over
• Load balancing
• Carrier Grade
• Demo
Erland Hedman works for Xdin as a senior instructor and developer of a course program for Linux with a focus on Linux for embedded applications. Erland has been employed by several international leading manufacturers of operating systems ranging from hard real-time industrial applications to infrastructure systems with cluster solutions with redundancy. Erland has for the last 10 years working with Linux solutions as a system developer, consultant and instructor.