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A Common Programming Model for High-performance Computing and Embedded Systems on Many-core Platforms
Raimund Kirner, University of Hertfordshire
Start time:
2013-06-04 10:30
End time:
2013-06-04 11:30
Optimising software for efficiency on a parallel hardware platform by analysing the performance of the application is often a complex and time-consuming task. In this talk we present the coordination language S-Net, which follows the approach of separating concurrency programming and algorithmic programming. To reason about functional and extra-functional properties, we have developed a constraint annotation and aggregation system that allows programmers to annotate code with properties such as, for example, algorithmic complexity, scaling factors or the number of required cores. The goal is to derive properties of the entire application that are parametrised over characteristics of the execution platform to assist programmers in better understanding the behaviour of an application and to assist the execution platform in making informed mapping and scheduling decisions. I conclude with a summary of further language enhancements we are currently working on, motivated by our extensive industrial feedback.