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Guided Synthesis of Control Programs Using UPPAAL
<A HREF="">Paul Pettersson</a>, Aalborg University, Denmark
Start time:
1999-11-18 14:00
End time:
1999-11-18 14:00
Turing Conference Room
In this work, we address the problem of scheduling and
synthesizing control programs for a batch production plant. We present a
timed automata model of a production plant. This model aims at faithfully
reflecting the level of abstraction required for synthesising control
programs, therefore it quickly becomes too detailed and complicated for
automatic synthesis. To solve this problem we present a general way of
adding guidance to a model by augmenting it with additional guidance
variables and decorate transitions with extra guards. Applying this
technique have made synthesis of control programs feasible for a plant
producing as many as 35 batches. In comparison,
we could only handle plants producing two batches without using guides.
The synthesised control programs have been executed in the plant. By doing
so we found and corrected some errors in the model.