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High Performance Breath Analysis


Licentiate presentation

Start time:

2016-01-28 09:15

End time:

2016-01-28 12:00



Contact person:


Alcohol breath testing on a larger scale will save lives. Alcohol abuse
is a major contributor to death and disease. Alcohol intake a ects the
human body by signi cantly longer response time to external stimuli.
In situations where the senses need to be on alert this delay can be the
di erence between life and death.
To make the alcohol breath test more available in everyday use, the
mouthpiece has been removed. Instead, the exhaled alcohol is measured
directly in a diluted sample. The dilution can be accounted for by simultaneous
measurement of an endogenous tracer gas. Because of the lack
of a mouthpiece several additional factors in
uence the alcohol measurement,
e.g. the obvious lower abundance of analyte gas, shorter time of
analysis and physiological aspects of the tracer gas.
My studies include sensor development and validation through laboratory
experiments as well as human subject studies. Several sensor
parameters are crucial for the functionality of the alcohol detection system
and are in need of careful investigation. Human behaviour and
physiology also needs further understanding. A better understanding of
the system provides vital knowledge for the design of smarter algorithms.
Planning, conducting and evaluation of these studies lie within the scope
of the licentiate thesis.

Jonas Ljungblad,
