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AMASS blog: Evaluated as remarkable in the second review



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The second AMASS project review was held on June 7th, 2018, at ECSEL premises in Brussels. As in the first review, the expert external reviewers were Philippe Baufreton, from SAFRAN Electronics & Defense, and Christopher Johnson, from the University of Glasgow.

The review team considered that the project is progressing very well and has achieved all the objectivesfor the second year. They also appreciated that the recommendations from previous reviews were all appropriately addressed, the quality of the deliverables is high, and partners’ commitment. According to the review team, AMASS has achieved some remarkable results so far, dissemination activities continue to be very good, good work is being performed with the External Advisory Boardexploitations intentions are promising, and the management of the project is excellent and resilient to changes in the project.

Read the full article here