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Algorithms and Protocols Enhancing Mobility Support for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Bluetooth and Zigbee
Publication Type:
Doctoral Thesis
Mälardalen Universtiy
Mobile communication systems are experiencing a huge growth. While traditional
communication paradigms deal with fixed networks, mobility raises a new set of
questions, techniques, and solutions. This work focuses on wireless sensor networks
(WSNs) where each node is a mobile device. The main objectives of this thesis have
been to develop algorithms and protocols enabling WSNs with a special interest in
overcoming mobility support limitations of standards such as Bluetooth and Zigbee.
The contributions of this work may be divided in four major parts related to
mobility support. The first part describes the implementation of local positioning
services in Bluetooth since local positioning is not supported in Bluetooth v1.1.
The obtained results are used in later implemented handover algorithms in terms
of deciding when to perform the handover. Moreover local positioning information
may be used in further developed routing protocols. The second part deals with
handover as a solution to overcome the getting out of range problem. Algorithms
for handover have been implemented enabling mobility in Bluetooth infrastructure
networks. The principal achievement in this part is the significant reduction of
handover latency since sensor cost and quality of service are directly affected by
this parameter. The third part solves the routing problems originated with handovers.
The main contribution of this part is the impact of the Bluetooth scatternet
formation and routing protocols, for multi-hop data transmissions, in the system
quality of service. The final part is a comparison between Bluetooth and Zigbee
in terms of mobility support. The main outcome of this comparison resides on the
conclusions, which can be used as a technology election guide.
The main scientific contribution relies on the implementation of a mobile WSN
with Bluetooth v1.1 inside the scope of the âMulti Monitoring Medical Chip (M3C)
for Home-care Applicationsâ European Union project (Sixth Framework Program
(FP6) Reference: 508291) offering multi-hop routing support and improvements in
handover latencies with aid of local positioning services.
@phdthesis{Garcia Castano1034,
author = {Javier Garcia Casta{\~n}o},
title = {Algorithms and Protocols Enhancing Mobility Support for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Bluetooth and Zigbee},
number = {32},
month = {September},
year = {2006},
school = {M{\"a}lardalen Universtiy},
url = {}