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Extracting Simulation Models from Complex Embedded Real-Time Systems
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Real-Time in Sweden 2007
A modeling process is presented for extracting timing-accurate simulation models
from complex embedded real-time systems. The process is supported by two
complementary methods for tool-supported model extraction, Model Synthesis and
Hybrid Model Extraction. The generated models enable impact analysis for complex
real-time systems with respect to dynamic system properties, such as timing and
resource usage. This can make software maintenance more predictable with respect to
time-to-market and development costs, since timing errors can be identified early
and avoided. The contribution of the paper is the modeling process, the Hybrid
Model Extraction method and an interactive modeling tool, MASS, designed to
support Hybrid Model Extraction of large implementations in C.
author = {Johan Kraft and Joel Huselius and Anders Wall and Christer Norstr{\"o}m},
title = {Extracting Simulation Models from Complex Embedded Real-Time Systems},
month = {August},
year = {2007},
booktitle = {Real-Time in Sweden 2007},
url = {}