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Testability of Safety-Critical Distributed Real-Time Systems

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In this paper we analyze different software design principles and architectures applicable to safety-critical distributed real-time systems with respect to testability. This is motivated by the fact that the major part of software development today is spent on verification and validation. We define a testability metric in order to make this analysis possible. We analyze how certain design decisions and languages affect the testability of programs and further extend this analysis to cover real-time systems, and finally distributed real-time systems. The conclusion is that jitter, preemption, interrupts, and the choice of execution and distribution strategy have severe effects on the functional testability of the system.


author = {Henrik Thane and Christer Norstr{\"o}m},
title = {Testability of Safety-Critical Distributed Real-Time Systems},
month = {October},
year = {1997},
url = {}