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Industry evaluation of the Requirements Abstraction Model


Tony Gorschek , Per Garre , Stig Larsson , Claes Wohlin

Publication Type:

Journal article


Requirements Engineering Journal


Springer London


Abstract Software requirements are often formulated on different levels and hence they are difficult to compare to each other. To address this issue, a model that allows for placing requirements on different levels has been developed. The model supports both abstraction and refinement of requirements, and hence requirements can both be compared with each other and to product strategies. Comparison between requirements will allow for prioritization of requirements, which in many cases is impossible if the requirements are described on different abstraction levels. Comparison to product strategies will enable early and systematic acceptance or dismissal of requirements, minimizing the risk for overloading. This paper presents an industrial evaluation of the model. It has been evaluated in two different companies, and the experiences and findings are presented. It is concluded that the requirements abstraction model provides helpful improvements to the industrial requirements engineering process.12


author = {Tony Gorschek and Per Garre and Stig Larsson and Claes Wohlin},
title = {Industry evaluation of the Requirements Abstraction Model},
volume = {12},
number = {3 (on-line first)},
month = {May},
year = {2007},
journal = {Requirements Engineering Journal},
publisher = {Springer London},
url = {}