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Integration of off-line and on-line scheduling for admission control
Publication Type:
Report - MRTC
Institutionen för Datateknik, Mälardalens högskola
In this paper we study the small os kernel called SHaRK in more detail to investigate if itâs possible to use it as a testbed in the self-evolvoing dependable real-time systems project. As it turns out SHaRK is very suitable because it supports many of the demands we have on the platform that we are going to use. As a case study we also do the integration of the off-line and on-line scheduling policies, that is we have implemented the slot-shifting scheduling policy, which also supports admission control that is another important aspect of the self-evolving system.
The paper also contains a guide for how to implement further algoritms and other extensions we might want to make in the future.
author = {Tomas Lennvall},
title = {Integration of off-line and on-line scheduling for admission control},
number = {ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-29/2000-1-SE},
month = {September},
year = {2000},
publisher = {Institutionen f{\"o}r Datateknik, M{\"a}lardalens h{\"o}gskola},
url = {}