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Code as Design Material
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Participatory Materialities Invited Workshop and Symposium at Aarhus University - 4-5 June 2012
The new ubiquitous assistive devices have increased design space for innovative highly interactive design. Designers can no longer rely on a design process based on the known interaction idioms. This impedes the design process because the non-interactive material - sketches, scenarios, storyboards - does not provide designers the essential talk-backs needed to be able to make reliable assessments of the design characteristics. Whereas, interactive prototypes provide these talk-backs. What if we think of code as a design material, programming as a design craft, and what if the designer's repertoire include material consciousness with code?
author = {Rikard Lindell},
title = {Code as Design Material},
editor = {Soren Pold, Olav W. Bertelsen, Jacob Buur, Ellen Christiansen},
month = {June},
year = {2012},
booktitle = {Participatory Materialities Invited Workshop and Symposium at Aarhus University - 4-5 June 2012},
url = {}