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From Models to Code and Back: Correct-by-construction Code from UML and ALF
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) at ICSE 2013
Ever increasing complexity of modern software
systems demands new powerful development mechanisms. Modeldriven
engineering (MDE) can ease the development process
through problem abstraction and automated code generation
from models. In order for MDE solutions to be trusted, such
generation should preserve the systems properties defined at
modelling level, both functional and extra-functional, all the
way down to the target code. The outcome of our research is
an approach that aids the preservation of systems properties
in MDE of embedded systems. More specifically we provide
generation of full source code from design models defined
using the CHESS-ML, monitoring of selected extra-functional
properties at code level, and back-propagation of observed values
to design models. The approach is validated against industrial
case-studies in the telecommunications applicative domain.
author = {Federico Ciccozzi},
title = {From Models to Code and Back: Correct-by-construction Code from UML and ALF},
month = {May},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) at ICSE 2013},
publisher = {ACM},
url = {}