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Analysis Support for TADL2 Timing Constraints on EAST-ADL Models



Arda Goknil , Jagadish Suryadevara, Marie-Agnes Peraldi-Frati , Frederic Mallet

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


7th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA)


It is critical to analyze characteristics of real-time embedded systems such as timing behavior early in the development. In the automotive domain, EAST-ADL is a concrete example of the model-based approach for the architectural modeling of real-time systems. The Timing Augmented Description Language v.2 (TADL2) allows for the specification of timing constraints on top of EAST-ADL models. In this paper we propose a formal validation & verification methodology for timing behaviors given with TADL2. The formal semantics of the considered timing constraints is given as a mapping to the Clock Constraint Specification Language (CCSL), a formal language that implements the MARTE Time Model. Based on such a mapping the validation is carried out by the simulation of TADL2 specifications. The simulation allows for a rapid prototyping of TADL2 specifications. The verification is performed through a mapping to Timed Automata implemented by UPPAAL. The whole process is illustrated on a Brake-By-Wire application.


author = {Arda Goknil and Jagadish Suryadevara and Marie-Agnes Peraldi-Frati and Frederic Mallet},
title = {Analysis Support for TADL2 Timing Constraints on EAST-ADL Models},
month = {July},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {7th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA)},
url = {}