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A Context-based Information Retrieval Technique for Recovering Use-Case-to-Source-Code Trace Links in Embedded Software Systems
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
39th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications
Post-requirements traceability is the ability to relate requirements (e.g., use cases) forward to corresponding design documents, source code and test cases by establishing trace links. This ability is becoming ever more crucial within embedded systems development, as a critical activity of testing, verification, validation and certification. However, semi-automatically or fullyautomatically
generating accurate trace links remains an open research challenge, especially for legacy systems. Vector Space Model (VSM), a notably known Information Retrieval (IR) technique aims to remedy this situation. However, VSMÂ’s lowaccuracy level in practice is a limitation. The contribution of this
paper is an improved VSM-based post-requirements traceability recovery approach using a novel context analysis. Specifically, the analysis method can better utilize context information extracted from use cases to discover relevant source code files.
Our approach is evaluated by using three different embedded applications in the domains of industrial automation, automotive and mobile. The evaluation shows that our new approach can achieve better accuracy than VSM, in terms of higher values of three main IR metrics, i.e., recall, precision, and mean average precision, when it handles embedded software applications.
author = {Jiale Zhou and Yue Lu and Kristina Lundqvist},
title = {A Context-based Information Retrieval Technique for Recovering Use-Case-to-Source-Code Trace Links in Embedded Software Systems},
month = {September},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {39th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA13)},
url = {}