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Towards Stanislavski-based Principles for Motion Capture Acting in Animation and Computer Games
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
International Conference in Illustration and Animation
Current and future animations crave for realistic motions to create a perception of motions that are close to a realistic human-like performance. To create such human-like animations, motion capture actors enrich the movements of digital avatars with realistic and believable motions and emotions. Acting for motion capture, as it is performed today, implies certain challenges. In this paper we address these challenges and argue how to support motion capture actors especially when acting for computer games. We discuss the nature of motion capture acting in the view of Stanislavski’s acting principles and point out the actors’ skills and demands. We conclude that the developed principles should be: ’Imagination’, ’Objectives’, ’Information & Visual References’, ’Magic if’, ’Adaptation’ and ’Relaxation’ to support motion capture actors with their work.
author = {Daniel Kade and Rikard Lindell},
title = {Towards Stanislavski-based Principles for Motion Capture Acting in Animation and Computer Games},
isbn = {978-989-97567-6-2},
editor = {IPCA},
month = {December},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {International Conference in Illustration and Animation},
publisher = {IPCA},
url = {}