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Business vs Research: Normative Ethics for Industrial Software Engineering Research
This paper was written for the Professional Ethics course in 2013.
Performing software engineering research in industry can be a challenging endeavour. In order to gain access to data or people, the researchers usually need to be prepared to sign non-disclosure agreement, have their potential publications reviewed and approved by company representatives, and treat raw data confidentially. These corporate requirements are in sharp contrast to the needs of transparency in the research community that allows us to validate and replicate research. At the same time, the software engineering research discipline is completely dependant of industrial information for progress. In this paper, we examine the two viewpoints on research in the light of ethical theories and the nature of the software engineering research area.
author = {Kristian Wiklund},
title = {Business vs Research: Normative Ethics for Industrial Software Engineering Research},
note = {This paper was written for the Professional Ethics course in 2013. },
url = {}