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Gender in research and administration

Publication Type:



20th EARMA Conference: Widening participation: excellence, impact and professionalism


The aim of the session is to promote equal opportunities for women and men in academia and industry. The presentations provide practical guidance on how to integrate gender equality in the structures and culture of an organisation.Our ambition is to contribute to an inclusive, innovative and reflective society and we see gender perspective as a tool to achieve more sustainable and smart communities and regions. For us the gender perspective is a mark of excellence in research and innovation.Last but not least a novelty of Horizon 2020 is that gender balance in the research teams has been included among the ranking factors to prioritize proposals with the same scores. Gender equality being one of the core commitments of Horizon 2020 means that gender training is an eligible cost of a project proposal.The workshop will - raise audience's awareness how to promote a gendered and inclusive dimension in research and administration - discuss and present different approaches, tools and methods for integrating a gender equality perspective in research projects - provide examples of change processes in academia and industry


author = {Malin Rosqvist and Paula Wennberg and Johan {\AA}kerman and Susi Poli},
title = {Gender in research and administration},
volume = {20},
month = {June},
year = {2014},
url = {}