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Experiences from Introducing UML and OO in an Organization
Publication Type:
Report - MRTC
In this paper we present experiences from an ongoing investigation of
whether Bombardier Transportation, a company within the railbound
vehicle domain, can benifit from introducing object-oriented modeling
and design, into the development of train applications, or
not. Bombardier Transportation administrates a broad set of
safety-critical products today including, for instance, autonomous
trains and high-speed trains. The investigation was carried out as a
pilot project focusing on tool support for the modeling language UML,
taking also emergent safety requirements and software reuse into
consideration. However, not only technical issues are dealt with, the
paper also discusses how to receive acceptance from the organization,
and how an organization may be affected by introducing software reuse
and safety requirements. The results are presented as a set of findings
we have made when using UML and the modeling tool Rhapsody throughout
the software development process. In particular, we report the results
in the perspective of safety-related software and how such a
methodology facilitates and harmonizes with existing safety standards. The results
from the investigating has, so far, been well received from the organization.
author = {Anders Wall and Tage Tarkpea},
title = {Experiences from Introducing UML and OO in an Organization},
number = {ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-91/2002-1-SE},
month = {December},
year = {2002},
url = {}