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Promoting MBA in the Rail Sector by Deriving Process-related Evidence via MDSafeCer
Publication Type:
Journal article
Computer Standards & Interfaces -SPICE-2016 Special Issue
An EN 50129-compliant safety case should include process-related evidence in terms of quality as well as safety management. Potentially innovative engi- neering methods developed in academic settings could act as process-related evidence. However, to ease their acceptance within the rail industrial set- tings, the adequacy of these methods need to be justified. In this paper, we extend our previous work and we provide a broader justification including performance aspects aimed at showing that the entire MBA (Model-Based design methodology for Assessing performance and safety requirements of critical systems) is partly compliant with EN 50128.To do that, we tackle safety and performance process-related compliance as follows: we first man- ually check if MBA includes EN 50128-compliant process elements, then we model MBA in compliance with Software Process Engineering Meta-model 2.0, then, we derive process-based arguments from the MBA process model by using the MDSafeCer (Model Driven Safety Certification) method. By doing so, we provide a twofold contribution: we further validate MDSafeCer in the rail domain and we strengthen MBA.
author = {Barbara Gallina and Elena G{\'o}mez-Mart{\'\i}nez and Clara Benac Earle},
title = {Promoting MBA in the Rail Sector by Deriving Process-related Evidence via MDSafeCer},
volume = {-},
number = {-},
pages = {1--27},
month = {December},
year = {2016},
journal = {Computer Standards {\&} Interfaces -SPICE-2016 Special Issue},
url = {}