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A Filtering Heuristic for the Computation of Minimum-Volume Enclosing Ellipsoids
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications: 10th International Conference, COCOA 2016, Hong Kong, China, December 16-18, 2016, Proceedings
Springer International Publishing
We study heuristics to accelerate existing state-of-the-art algorithms for the minimum-volume enclosing ellipsoid problem. We propose a new filtering heuristic that can significantly reduce the number of distance computations performed in algorithms derived from Khachiyan’s first-order algorithm. Our experiments indicate that in high dimensions, the filtering heuristic is more effective than the elimination heuristic proposed by Harman and Pronzato. In lower dimensions, the elimination heuristic is superior.
author = {Linus K{\"a}llberg and Thomas Larsson},
title = {A Filtering Heuristic for the Computation of Minimum-Volume Enclosing Ellipsoids},
isbn = {978-3-319-48749-6},
editor = {T-H. Hubert Chan, Minming Li, Lusheng Wang},
pages = {744--753},
month = {December},
year = {2016},
booktitle = {Combinatorial Optimization and Applications: 10th International Conference, COCOA 2016, Hong Kong, China, December 16-18, 2016, Proceedings},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
url = {}