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Towards the Architecture of a Decision Support Ecosystem for System Component Selection
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
11th Annual IEEE International Systems conference
When developing complex software-intensive systems, it is nowadays common practice to base the solution partly on existing software components. Selecting which components to use becomes a critical decision in development, but it is currently not well supported through methods and tools. This paper discusses how a decision support system for this problem could benefit from a software ecosystem approach, where participants share knowledge across organizations both through reuse of analysis models, and through partially disclosed past decision cases. It is shown how the architecture of this ecosystem becomes fundamental to deal with efficient knowledge sharing, while respecting constraints on integrity of intellectual property. A concrete proposal for an architecture is outlined, which is a distributed system-of-systems using web technologies. Experiences of a proof-of-concept implementation are also described.
author = {Jakob Axelsson and Ulrik Franke and Jan Carlson and S{\'e}verine Sentilles and Antonio Cicchetti},
title = {Towards the Architecture of a Decision Support Ecosystem for System Component Selection},
month = {April},
year = {2017},
booktitle = {11th Annual IEEE International Systems conference},
url = {}