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Characterization of trade-off preferences between non-functional properties
Publication Type:
Journal article
Elsevier Journal on Information Systems
Efficient design and evolution of complex software intensive systems rely on the ability to make informed decisions as early as possible in the life cycle. Such informed decisions should take both the intended functional and non-functional properties into account. Especially regarding the latter, it is both necessary to be able to predict properties and to prioritize them according to well-defined criteria. In this paper we focus on the latter problem, that is to say how to make trade-offs between non-functional properties of software intensive systems. We provide an approach based on the elicitation of utility functions from stake-holders and subsequent checks for consistency among these functions. The approach is exploitable through an easy-to-use GUI, which is also presented. Moreover, we describe the setup and the outcome of our two-fold validation based on exploratory elicitations with students and practitioners.
author = {Ulrik Franke and Federico Ciccozzi},
title = {Characterization of trade-off preferences between non-functional properties},
editor = {Elsevier},
volume = {98},
month = {October},
year = {2017},
journal = {Elsevier Journal on Information Systems},
url = {}