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Per Processor Spin-Lock Protocols for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems
Publication Type:
Journal article
Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems
This paper investigates preemptive spin-based global resource sharing protocols
for resource-constrained real-time embedded multi-core systems
based on partitioned fixed-priority preemptive scheduling.
We present preemptive spin-based protocols that feature
(i) an increased schedulability ratio of task sets and reduced response jitter of tasks
compared to the classical non-preemptive spin-based protocol,
(ii) similar memory requirements for the administration of waiting tasks as for the non-preemptive protocol whilst only causing
(iii) a minimal increase of the minimal number of required stacks per core from one to at most two, and
(iv) strong progress guarantees to tasks.
We complement these protocols with a unified worst-case response time analysis that specializes to the classical analysis for the non-preemptive protocol.
The paper includes a comparative evaluation of the preemptive protocols and the non-preemptive protocol based on synthetic data.
author = {Sara Afshar and Moris Behnam and Reinder J. Bril and Thomas Nolte},
title = {Per Processor Spin-Lock Protocols for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems},
month = {November},
year = {2017},
journal = {Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems},
publisher = {LITES},
url = {}