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Architectural Modeling and Analysis of Complex Real-Time Systems
Publication Type:
Doctoral Thesis
Mälardalen University
Most automation systems and other large industrial software systems
have long lifetimes, and customers expect these systems to be
supported as long as they are in operation. Furthermore, software
components in these systems may be reused in different products,
e.g. using a software product line approach. Hence, the lifetime of
software in individual systems may be very long; several decades or even longer.Software that is used for a long time will be exposed to frequent
changes as the system evolve over time, e.g. due to adding new
functionality, error corrections, or changing the hardware
platform. The larger and older the system is, the harder it becomes to
foresee the consequences of changes.In this thesis we present three different techniques for managing the
evolution of large and complex real-time systems. The techniques are
based on analytical modeling, predicting different quality properties,
e.g. temporal correctness, by analyzing a model of the software. The
first technique is a component model with analytical interfaces
(ReFlex) that allows us to predict different properties of a component
assembly, the second is a probabilistic modeling language which is
analyzed by simulations (ART-FW), and the third technique is an
extension of classical timed automata with a notion of real-time tasks
(TAT).Ideally, the analytical models should evolve together with the
software. However, since new features are often added and the
implementation is often changed without updating the model, the model
becomes obsolete and predictions based on the model are no longer
valid. By applying the techniques proposed in this thesis, we can
re-introduce analyzability; Using ReFlex we can update the analytical
aspects while re-designing the system. Unless ReFlex has been used in
the earlier design, this will require a costly redesign of the
complete system, but consistency between the analytical model and the
implementation will be ensured. Using ART-FW or TAT the
implementation will be kept untouched by introducing a separate
model. The drawback is that an extra effort is required to keep the
model consistent with the implementation.We have applied ART-FW in the re-engineering activity of a large
industrial system. The results indicate that the approach is indeed
applicable on real systems.
author = {Anders Wall},
title = {Architectural Modeling and Analysis of Complex Real-Time Systems},
number = {5},
month = {September},
year = {2003},
school = {M{\"a}lardalen University},
url = {}