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Comparison of UWB Radar Back-Scattering by the Human Torso and a Phantom
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
2018 IEEE CAMA Conference on Antenna Measurement and Applications
Ultra Wide Band(UWB) radar is used to measure the cross section of a human phantom in
different polarizations of the receiver antenna. The choice of material and shape for the human phantom is discussed . The material used in the experiment (wet sand) dielectric properties measured by a retromodeling technique and then calculated by mixture formulas. The appropriate frequency choice for the application is discussed.
author = {Melika Hozhabri and Per Olov Risman and Nikola Petrovic},
title = {Comparison of UWB Radar Back-Scattering by the Human Torso and a Phantom},
month = {September},
year = {2018},
booktitle = {2018 IEEE CAMA Conference on Antenna Measurement and Applications },
url = {}