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Probabilistic Communication in Car Platoons
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications
Autonomously driving vehicles appeared on the
canvas of science in the middle of the twentieth century and have
since then been the subject of many generations of researchers.
One application of autonomous driving is platooning, where
cars autonomously follow each other in very close distance.
This application is motivated by fuel savings, labor decrease,
increase in road capacity and higher safety. To achieve platooning
capability, vehicles require sensors, intelligent processing systems,
and communication devices. This paper provides a study in which
cars communicate to measure the system performance in terms
of successful message transmission probability, also referred to
as the integrity of wireless communication. The communication
is one crucial part of the chain of the safety functionality of an
orchestrated braking maneuver in a platoon, located between the
car initiating the braking and all other members of the platoon.
The numerical results target the influence of parameters like
transmission power, channel gain, interference noise, and total
number of involved vehicles
@inproceedings{Ninh Thi Thanh5245,
author = {Tam Ninh Thi Thanh and Tran Hung and Nils M{\"u}llner},
title = {Probabilistic Communication in Car Platoons},
month = {November},
year = {2018},
booktitle = { International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications},
publisher = {IEEE},
url = {}