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A Machine Learning Approach to Classify Pedestrians’ Event based on IMU and GPS
Mobyen Uddin Ahmed,
Staffan Brickman
Alexander Dengg
Niklas Fasth
Marko Mihajlovic
Jacob Norman
Publication Type:
Journal article
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence
This paper investigates and implements six Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, i.e. Artificial Neural
Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), Extra Tree (ET), and Gradient Boosted Trees (GBT) to classify different Pedestrians’ events based on Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and Global Positioning System (GPS) signals. Pedestrians’ events are
pedestrian movements as the first step of H2020 project called SimuSafe1 with a goal to reduce traffic fatalities by doing risk assessments of the pedestrians. The movements the MLs’ models are attempting to classify are standing, walking, and running. Data, i.e. IMU, GPS sensor signals and other contextual
information are collected by a smartphone through a controlled procedure. The smartphone is placed in five different positions onto the body of participants, i.e. arm, chest, ear, hand and pocket. The recordings are filtered, trimmed, and labeled. Next, samples are generated from small overlapping sections from which time and frequency domain features are extracted. Three different experiments are conducted to evaluate the performances in term of accuracy of the MLs’ models in different circumstances. The best performing MLs’ models determined by the average accuracy across all experiments is Extra Tree (ET) with a classification accuracy of 91%.
author = {Mobyen Uddin Ahmed and Staffan Brickman and Alexander Dengg and Niklas Fasth and Marko Mihajlovic and Jacob Norman},
title = {A Machine Learning Approach to Classify Pedestrians’ Event based on IMU and GPS},
volume = {16},
number = {2},
month = {May},
year = {2020},
journal = {International Journal of Artificial Intelligence},
url = {}