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Non-contact Physiological Parameters Extraction using Facial Video considering Illumination, Motion, Movement and Vibration
Publication Type:
Journal article
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Abstract—Objective:In this pape r,four phys iological parame te rs i.e . He art Rate (HR), Inte r-Beat-Interval (IBI), Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Oxyge n Saturation(SpO2)are e xtracte d from facial vide o re cordings. Methods: Facialvide os we rere corde d for 10 minute s e ach in 30 te s t s ubje cts while driving a s imulator. Four Re gions of Inte re s t (ROIs) are automatically s e le cte d in e ach facial image frame bas e d on 66 facial landmarks.Re d-Gre e n-Blue (RGB)color s ignalsare e xtracte d from the ROIsand four phys iological parame te rs are e xtracte dfrom the color s ignals.For the e valuation, phys iological parame te rs are als o re corde d s imultane ous ly us ing a traditional sensor ‘cStress’ which is attached tohands and finge rs of te s t s ubje cts. Results:The Bland Altman plots s how 95% agre e me nt be twe e n the came ras ys te mand ‘cStress’with the highe s t corre lation coe fficie nt R = 0.96 for both HR andSpO2. The Quality Inde x (QI) is e s timate dfor IBIcons ide ring 100 ms R-pe ak e rror;the achie ve d accumulate dpe rce ntage achie ve dis97.5%. HRV fe ature s in both time and fre que ncy domains are compare d and the highe s t corre lation coefficie nt achie ve dis0.93. One-way analys is of variance (ANOVA1) te s t s hows that the re are no s tatis tically s ignificantdiffe re ncesbe twe e n the me as ure me nts bycame ra and re fe re nces e ns ors. Conclusion: The s e re sults pre sent high de grees of accuracy of HR , I B I , H R V and SpO2 e xtraction from facial image s e que nce s . Significance:The propos e d non-contact approach could broade n the dime ns ionality of phys iological parame te rs e xtraction us ing came ras. Thispropos e d me thod could be applie dfor drive rmonitoringapplication unde r re alis tic conditions i.e . illumination, motion, move me nt and vibration.
author = {Hamidur Rahman and Mobyen Uddin Ahmed and Shahina Begum},
title = {Non-contact Physiological Parameters Extraction using Facial Video considering Illumination, Motion, Movement and Vibration},
month = {May},
year = {2019},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering},
url = {}