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Contents for a Model-Based Software Engineering Body of Knowledge


Loli Burgueño , Federico Ciccozzi, Michalis Famelis , Gerti Kappel , Leen Lambers , Sebastien Mosser , Richard F. Paige , Alfonso Pierantonio, Arend Rensink , Rick Salay , Gabriele Taentzer , Antonio Vallecillo , Manuel Wimmer

Publication Type:

Journal article


Springer Journal on Software and Systems Modeling


Although Model-Based Software Engineering (MBE) is a widely accepted Software Engineering (SE) discipline, no agreed upon core set of concepts and practices (i.e., a Body of Knowledge) has been defined for it yet. With the goals of characterizing the contents of the MBE discipline, promoting a global consistent view of it, clarifying its scope with regard to other SE disciplines, and defining a foundation for the development of educational curricula on MBE, this paper proposes the contents for a Body of Knowledge for MBE. We also describe the methodology that we have used to come up with the proposed list of contents, as well as the results of a survey study that we conducted to sound out the opinion of the community on the importance of the proposed topics and their level of coverage in existing SE curricula.


author = {Loli Burgue{\~n}o and Federico Ciccozzi and Michalis Famelis and Gerti Kappel and Leen Lambers and Sebastien Mosser and Richard F. Paige and Alfonso Pierantonio and Arend Rensink and Rick Salay and Gabriele Taentzer and Antonio Vallecillo and Manuel Wimmer},
title = {Contents for a Model-Based Software Engineering Body of Knowledge},
volume = {-},
number = {-},
pages = {1--11},
month = {August},
year = {2019},
journal = {Springer Journal on Software and Systems Modeling},
url = {}