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Reimplementing Data Field Haskell



Jesper Simos

Research group:

Publication Type:

Student Thesis


Indexed data structures, such as arrays and matrices, can be found in many programming languages. The data field model is a semantical framework which seeks to capture the essence of indexed data structures and make them more generalised. The first implementation of the data field model, Data Field Haskell, was done in Haskell 1.3 as an extension to an existing Haskell compiler. This compiler, dfhc, was ported to a newer compiler version, dfhc98, and updated to be Haskell98 compatible. Data Fields enables a collection-oriented programming style on Haskell.In this thesis we present a new implementation of the data field model in Haskell. This implementation is not built as a extension to an existing compiler. The presented solution is comprised of a library and preprocessor that offers functionality equivalent to that of the old dfhc98 compiler. The proposed implementation is small, portable and modular, leading to a solution that is easier to maintain and extend as need arises.


author = {Jesper Simos},
title = {Reimplementing Data Field Haskell},
month = {April},
year = {2007},
url = {}