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Further Developments of Applicator Concepts for Detection of Body Part Inhomogeneities
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
2019 IEEE CAMA Conference on Antenna Measurement and Applications
We present significant improvements on in particular our transmitting applicator and its performance. This is a
crucial component of our system for direct detection of internal inhomogeneities such as breast tumors and brain hemorrhages by a special transmitting applicator and specially polarized receiving applicators. The operating frequency is about 1 GHz. The transmitting applicator is unique by no need to contact the object under study (OUS) and does not generate any surface waves at it. The primary field has properties behaving as from a magnetic monopole. The overall system allows direct detection without a need for phase measurements, which provides the possibility of using a simple microwave generator and simple rectification and position registration of the received signals. The receiving 3D contacting applicator contains a high-permittivity ceramic and is resonant in order to provide the desired field polarization sensitivity. The desired system properties are achieved
by optimized use of the orthogonality properties of the primary
magnetic, induced electric, and diffracted electric fields.
author = {Nikola Petrovic and Christian Pichot and Per Olov Risman},
title = {Further Developments of Applicator Concepts for Detection of Body Part Inhomogeneities},
month = {October},
year = {2019},
booktitle = {2019 IEEE CAMA Conference on Antenna Measurement and Applications },
url = {}