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Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Reasoning in Health Informatics – An Overview
Publication Type:
Book chapter
Signal Processing Techniques for Computational Health Informatics
As humans are intelligent, to mimic or models of human certain intelli-gent behavior to a computer or a machine is called Artificial Intelli-gence (AI). Learning is one of the activities by a human that helps to gain knowledge or skills by studying, practising, being taught, or expe-riencing something. Machine Learning (ML) is a field of AI that mim-ics human learning behavior by constructing a set of algorithms that can learn from data, i.e. it is a field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. The reasoning is a set of processes that enable humans to provide a basis for judgment, making decisions, and prediction. Machine Reasoning (MR), is a part of AI evolution towards human-level intelligence or the ability to apply prior knowledge to new situations with adaptation and changes. This book chapter presents some AI, ML and MR techniques and ap-proached those are widely used in health informatics domains. Here, the overview of each technique is discussed to show how they can be applied in the development of a decision support system.
author = {Mobyen Uddin Ahmed and Shaibal Barua and Shahina Begum},
title = {Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Reasoning in Health Informatics – An Overview},
editor = {Md Atiqur Rahman Ahad and Mosabber Uddin Ahmed},
month = {August},
year = {2020},
booktitle = {Signal Processing Techniques for Computational Health Informatics},
url = {}