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Application of Human Factors in the Development Process of Immersive Visual Technologies: Challenges and Future Improvements
This article is also available without any restriction at Frontiers via
Publication Type:
Journal article
Frontiers in Psychology
This study investigates how Human Factors (HF) is applied when designing and developing Immersive Visual Technologies (IVT), including Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Virtual Reality. We interviewed fourteen people working at different organizations, that develop IVT applications in the Nordic region. We used thematic analysis to derive themes from the interviews. The results showed an insufficient knowledge and application of HF in IVT development, due to the lack of awareness of both scope and significance of HF, resource allocation strategy, market inertia, stakeholder’s involvement, standardization of HF application and IVT uses, and technology maturity. This situation could be improved by allocating expert at each HF level, adjusting organizational strategy to balance resource allocation, educating and training developers and user organizations to raise awareness and encourage co-creative design to enhance knowledge sharing, create a sense of ownership amongst stakeholders, and ensure the usefulness of the technology to the user’s work.
author = {Mina Saghafian and Taufik Akbar Sitompul and Karin Laumann and Kristina Sundnes and Rikard Lindell},
title = {Application of Human Factors in the Development Process of Immersive Visual Technologies: Challenges and Future Improvements},
note = {This article is also available without any restriction at Frontiers via},
volume = {12},
month = {March},
year = {2021},
journal = {Frontiers in Psychology},
publisher = {Frontiers},
url = {}