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Accelerating Digital Transformation
Publication Type:
Collection (Editor)
This book celebrates the 10-year anniversary of Software Center (a collaboration between 18 European companies and five Swedish universities) by presenting some of the most impactful and relevant journal or conference papers that researchers in the center have published over the last decade.
The book is organized around the five themes around which research in Software Center is organized, i.e. Continuous Delivery, Continuous Architecture, Metrics, Customer Data and Ecosystems Driven Development, and AI Engineering. The focus of the Continuous Delivery theme is to help companies to continuously build high quality products with the right degree of automation. The Continuous Architecture theme addresses challenges that arise when balancing the need for architectural quality and more agile ways of working with shorter development cycles. The Metrics theme studies and provides insight to understand, monitor and improve software processes, products and organizations. The fourth theme, Customer Data and Ecosystem Driven Development, helps companies make sense of the vast amounts of data that are continuously collected from products in the field. Eventually, the theme of AI Engineering addresses the challenge that many companies struggle with in terms of deploying machine- and deep-learning models in industrial contexts with production quality. Each theme has its own part in the book and each part has an introduction chapter and then a carefully selected reprint of the most important papers from that theme.
This book mainly aims at researchers and advanced professionals in the areas of software engineering who would like to get an overview about the achievement made in various topics relevant for industrial large-scale software development and management – and to see how research benefits from a close cooperation between industry and academia.
author = {Jan Bosch and Jan Carlson and Helena Holmstr{\"o}m Olsson and Kristian Sandhal and Miroslaw Staron},
title = {Accelerating Digital Transformation},
isbn = {978-3-031-10872-3},
editor = {Jan Bosch, Jan Carlson, Helena Holmstr{\"o}m Olsson, Kristian Sandahl, Miroslaw Staron},
month = {October},
year = {2022},
publisher = {Springer Cham},
url = {}