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iXGB: Improving the Interpretability of XGBoost using Decision Rules and Counterfactuals
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
16th International Conference Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Tree-ensemble models, such as Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), are renowned Machine Learning mod-
els which have higher prediction accuracy. This higher accuracy, however, comes at the cost of reduced inter-
pretability compared to traditional tree-based models. Also, the decision path or prediction rule of XGBoost is
not explicit like the tree-based models. This paper proposes the iXGB – interpretable XGBoost, an approach
to improve the interpretability of XGBoost. iXGB approximates a set of rules from the internal structure of
XGBoost and the characteristics of the data. In addition, iXGB generates a set of counterfactuals from the
neighbourhood of the test instances to support the understanding of the end-users on their operational rele-
vance. The performance of iXGB in generating rule sets is evaluated with experiments on real and benchmark
datasets which demonstrated reasonable interpretability. The evaluation result also supports that the inter-
pretability of XGBoost can be improved without using surrogate methods.
author = {Mir Riyanul Islam and Mobyen Uddin Ahmed and Shahina Begum},
title = {iXGB: Improving the Interpretability of XGBoost using Decision Rules and Counterfactuals},
month = {March},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {16th International Conference Agents and Artificial Intelligence},
url = {}