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Timed Automata as Task Models for Event-Driven Systems
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
In proceedings of RTCSA99
IEEE Computer Society
In this paper, we extend the classic model of timed automata
with a notion of real time tasks. The main idea is to associate
each discrete transition in a timed automaton with a task
(an executable program). Intuitively, a discrete transition in an
extended timed automaton denotes an event releasing a task and
the guard on the transition specifies all the possible arriving
times of the event (instead of the so--called minimal inter-arrival
time). This yields a general model for hard real-time systems
in which tasks may be periodic and non-periodic.We show that the schedulability problem for the extended model can
be transformed to a reachability problem for standard timed automata and
thus it is decidable. This allows us to apply model-checking tools
for timed automata to schedulability analysis for event-driven
systems. In addition, based on the same model of a system, we may use
the tools to verify other properties (e.g. safety and functionality)
of the system. This unifies schedulability analysis and formal verification
in one framework. We present an example where the model-checker UPPAAL
is applied to check the schedulability and safety properties of
a control program for a turning lathe.
author = {Christer Norstr{\"o}m and Anders Wall},
title = {Timed Automata as Task Models for Event-Driven Systems},
month = {December},
year = {1999},
booktitle = {In proceedings of RTCSA99},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
url = {}