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An Extension of the Rasmussen Socio-technical System for Continuous Safety Assurance
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
8th International Workshop on Critical Automotive Applications: Robustness & Safety
To win the competition, diversification via software- implemented functionality, has become a trend in various do- mains. In the automotive domain, for instance, road vehicles are being transformed from steels and wheels to software and ser- vices, where software is expected to shape the vehicles virtuously, over their entire lifetime, by increasing customer’s satisfaction via an increasing number of comfort features. However, if safety as- surance is not in focus while managing variability, these features, may viciously turn into risk-bearing features potentially leading to fatalities. In the literature, the problem of safety assurance and its configuration has been addressed. The usage of the Base Variability Resolution language, for instance, was explored to systematise and configure not only product-related features but also process and assurance-related features, necessary for the justification purposes. The problem of safety assurance has also been addressed, yet without variability aspects, from a socio- technical perspective, e.g., by Rasmussen with his socio-technical system. In this position paper, we propose an extension of the Rasmussen’s socio-technical system. Our extension is twofold: on one hand it embraces product lines instead of single systems, on the other hand it develops the technical and argumentation aspects in addition to the socio-aspects. We also mention how our extension can be specialised in the automotive context.
author = {Barbara Gallina and Peter Munk and Markus Schweizer},
title = {An Extension of the Rasmussen Socio-technical System for Continuous Safety Assurance},
month = {April},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {8th International Workshop on Critical Automotive Applications: Robustness {\&} Safety},
publisher = {HAL fr.},
url = {}