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A Hybrid Ontology for Identifying Safety Hazards and Security Threats


Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


The 8th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety


This paper introduces the Hazard and Threat Ontology, a hybrid ontology designed to illustrate safety hazards and security threats in complex systems of systems. Hazard Ontology and Combined Security Ontology are two ontologies with extensive terminology and complementary methodologies. They allow us to develop a hybrid approach that enables safety and security experts to analyze complex systems thoroughly. Combining these ontologies enhances the depth and scope of experts' analysis and decision-making process, and several tangible benefits are associated with using a hybrid approach across different industrial sectors. In this paper, an industrial use case illustrates the practical utility of the Hazard and Threat Ontology. Our approach facilitates the identification of hazards and threats, providing actionable insights into how to mitigate them. Consequently, assets and personnel can be protected, downtime can be reduced, and operational resilience can be enhanced.


author = {Malina Adach and Alessio Bucaioni and Federico Ciccozzi},
title = {A Hybrid Ontology for Identifying Safety Hazards and Security Threats},
editor = {IEEE},
month = {November},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {The 8th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety},
url = {}