
Type: Date:

Number of publications matching the search criterion: 3

Conference/Workshop Paper (3)

Learning Activation Functions for Adversarial Attack Resilience in CNNs (Jun 2023)
Maghsood Salimi, Mohammad Loni, Marjan Sirjani
The 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2023)

SARAF: Searching for Adversarial Robust Activation Functions (Jun 2023)
Maghsood Salimi, Mohammad Loni, Marjan Sirjani, Antonio Cicchetti, Sara Abbaspour
The 6th International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications (ICMVA'2023)

Multi-objective Optimization of Real-Time Task Scheduling Problem for Distributed Environments (Sep 2019) -- Best Paper Award--
Maghsood Salimi, Amin Majd , Mohammad Loni, Tiberiu Seceleanu, Cristina Seceleanu, Marjan Sirjani, Masoud Daneshtalab, Elena Troubitsyna
6th Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2019)

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