Division of Research Support


The Division of Research Support (FoS), provides support for securing external research funding and to externally funded research projects. We give advice to researchers on financial and administrative aspects of call for proposals and we offer project manangement support for execusion and follow-up on research projects. 

We are organizationally located within the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering but work University wide and support researchers all six research areas as well as Directors of research and the University management.


International Research Funding:

Horizon2020 EU's 8th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020. http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/

COST is one of the longest-running instruments supporting co-operation among scientists and researchers across Europe. COST invites proposals for new COST Actions contributing to the scientific, economic, cultural or societal development of Europe. http://www.cost.eu

Eureka is a pan-European network for market-oriented, industrial R&D. Funding from national sources implemented in Eureka clusters, umberellas and individual projects. http://www.eurekanetwork.org/

Amelia Earhart Fellowship Program helps talented women, pursuing advanced studies in the typically male-dominated fields of aerospace-related sciences and aerospace-related engineering, to achieve their educational goals. 

National Science Foundation  (NSF) gives support for all fields of fundamental science and engineering, except for medical sciences. The Foundation also supports cooperative research between universities and industry, US participation in international scientific and engineering efforts, and educational activities at every academic level. http://www.nsf.gov/

Swedish Research Funding:

Knowledge Foundation (KKS) is the research financier for universities with the task of strengthening Sweden's competitiveness and ability to create value. The Foundation supports research that is conducted at Sweden's new universities, provided that industry provides a matching amount and actively participates in order to achieve development there as well.http://www.kks.se/SitePages/Startsida.aspx

Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SFF) was founded in 1994 with capital from the former wage-earner funds, with the objective to support research in natural science, engineering and medicine that strengthens Sweden’s competitiveness.

Swedish Research Council (VR) is the largest research funding agency and provides support for basic research of the highest scientific quality in all academic areas.

Swedish Research Council Formas (sustainable development) The mission of Formas is to promote and support basic research and need-driven research in the areas Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning. The research that is funded should be of the highest scientific quality and relevance to the areas of responsibility of the Council.

VINNOVA is Sweden’s innovation agency. Their mission is to promote sustainable growth  by improving the conditions for innovation, as well as funding needs-driven research. They promote collaborations between companies, universities, research institutes and the public sector. Vinnova’s activities also focus on strengthening international cooperation. http://vinnova.se/sv/Ansoka-och-rapportera/Utlysningar/

Riksbankens jubileumsfond (RJ) is an independent foundation which supports research in Humanities and Social Sciences. Support is provided in several forms: programmes, projects, infrastructure for research, and also for research initiation. http://www.rj.se/

Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) is the largest private research funding foundation in Sweden. The Foundation primarily grants funding in natural sciences, technology, and medicine. Projects in other disciplines may receive support on the condition that they are related to research questions of relevance to natural sciences, technology, and medicine.https://www.wallenberg.com/kaw/en

Additional information (in Swedish) from Division of Education and Research Administration: https://www.mdh.se/internt/forskning/2.2017

EURAXESS Sweden (former Mobility Centre Sweden) and its portal give on-line information and practical assistance for researchers coming to and from Sweden: http://www.euraxess.se/en/About-EURAXESS-Sweden/

List of Swedish and Nordic Funing Agencies
List  (pdf)

R&D Organizations in Sweden
Link (new window)

 Funding for scientific conferences


Funding for postdocs


Mobility funding, links:


Cooperation grants


Other funds

[Show all publications]

Trace-based Timing Analysis of AutomotiveSoftware Systems: an Experience Report (Oct 2021)
Alessio Bucaioni, Enxhi Ferko, Henrik Lönn
18th International Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation ( (MoDeVVa 2021)

Approach for measuring health-related quality management (Jan 2012)
Yvonne Lagrosen, Ingela Bäckström , Håkan Wiklund
The TQM Journal (TQM)

Örjan Danielsson, Head of Division

Email: orjan.danielsson@mdh.se
Room: U1-169
Phone: +46 21 10 15 80