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Application to be made online following the link provided below each position. Deadline : January 15, 2019
Postdoc in Safety Assurance of Collaborating Cyber Physical Systems
The focus of this post-doc position is to conduct research into efficient safety certification of collaborating cyber physical systems, with specific focus on autonomous construction machinery.
The selected researcher will work in the project “SUCCESS’ which aims to make significant contributions to the assurance of the safe design and operation of industrial robotics and automation systems (RAS), and is part of the 'Assuring Autonomy International Programme' (AAIP) initiative funded by Lloyd's Register Foundation and the University of York to spearhead research, training and standards in the safety of RAS. The SUCCESS Project at MDH is selected as a demonstrator project for AAIP and has Volvo Construction Equipment and Safety Integrity AB as partners.
You will develop new risk models and assurance rules (some of which are amenable to automation) for updating risks and confidence pre-deployment as well as during operational phase, thereby realising the notion of dynamic safety cases. You will validate the project deliverables via the demonstrator developed in collaboration with project partners, mainly Volvo CE. You will disseminate the project results through publications, seminar and conference presentations and public engagement and outreach activities; and you will contribute to a future Body of Knowledge comprising state-of-the-art techniques, methods and processes for the engineering, assurance, regulation, deployment and operation of RAS.
The focus of this post-doc position is to conduct research into safety and security assurance in the context of reconfigurable future factories involving autonomous robots and humans.
The selected researcher will work in the project Future factories in the Cloud (FiC) funded by the Swedish Foundation for strategic Research and involves MDH (Project leader), Chalmers University of Technology, Uppsala University and the University of York (UK). We envision future factories being designed by compositions of smart connected components, with a large part of the intelligence residing in the Cloud. This will enable increased flexibility and evolvability of manufacturing, as well as pave the way for new business models where production facilities can be accessible as cloud services.
Moving a large part of the production complexity to the Cloud has benefits in cost, energy efficiency, sharing of resources, increased flexibility, adaptability and evolvability, and provide in general a strong basis for innovation. There are however associated challenges, including providing efficient and predictable (safe and secure) computation and communication, and coping with the huge amounts of data needed to provide the envisioned intelligence. These challenges are particularly demanding in safety-relevant systems, such as transportation and manufacturing.
The selected researcher will perform research on identifying threats to security as well as safety in futuristic factory contexts and develop methods and tools for assuring safety and security through appropriate mitigation strategies. Failure modes of technologies such as Fog and Edge computing needs to be appropriately characterized and modelled into assurance frameworks. The research will be based on real usage scenarios and results demonstrated and evaluated in industrial contexts.