
Status: Member:
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Project TitleStatus
PROVIDENT: Predictable Software Development in Connected Vehicles Utilising Blended TSN-5G Networks active
xApp: Explainable AI for Industrial Applications active
A Digital Twin Framework for Dynamic and Robust Distributed Systems active
ADAPTER: Adaptive Learning and Information Fusion for Online Classification Based on Evolving Big Data Streams active
AIDOaRt - AI-augmented automation for efficient DevOps, a model-based framework for continuous development At RunTime in cyber-physical systems active
ARAS - Assured Reasoning for Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems active
ARCUS, Autonomous reconnaissance capability for unmanned aerial systems active
ARRAY ++, Automation Region Research Academy active
ARRAY - Automation Region Research Academy active
AutoDeep: Automatic Design of Safe, High-Performance and Compact Deep Learning Models for Autonomous Vehicles active
AutoFL: Cross-Layer Trusted Systems for Heterogeneous Federated Learning at Scale active
CEST - Commissioned Education in Software Testing active
Cloud and the Industrial Internet of Things Initiative active
CoDig - Continuous Digitalization active
Collaborative Cloud Robotics active
CPMXai:Cognitive Predictive Maintenance and Quality Assurance using Explainable Ai and Machine Learning active
CTEDS, Cooperative Perimeter Protection with Heterogeneous Drone Swarms active
DAIS - Distributed Artificial Intelligent Systems active
DAISY- Dependable Autonomous System of Systems active
Demand-Driven Slicing active
Dependable AI in Safe Autonomous Systems active
Developing Predictable and Secure IoT for Autonomous Systems active
Digital Twins for Essential Services active
Efficient Safety in Complex Autonomous Production Environments - Concept Development active
FASTER-ΑΙ: Fully Autonomous Safety- and Time-critical Embedded Realization of Artificial Intelligence active
FIESTA - Federated Choreography of an Integrated Embedded Systems Software Architecture active
FitDrive: Monitoring devices for overall FITness of DRIVErs active
FLEXATION - Flexible and Secure Modular Automation active
Future Industrial Networks active
Generative AI for Software Engineering active
GreenDL: Green Deep Learning for Edge Devices active
GREENER: Intelligent energy management in connected construction sites active
HeatTrack: Enhanced Reliability, Monitoring and Diagnostics of Complex Cooling Systems through Advanced Thermal Management active
HERO-ML active
Hipereal - High-performance real-time computing active
Identifying key variables in monitoring of production processes in automotive industry: A deep learning method active
IndTech Digitala Stambanan active
IndTech Industrial Technology Graduate School active
Information Retrieval in Embedded Systems for Audiovisual Artistic Processes active
InSecTT: Intelligent Secure Trustable Things active
International guest professor Luis Almeida active
Internet-of-things and Cloud for Smart Manufacturing active
MALPA:Machine Learning for the prevention of occupational accidents in the construction industry active
MARC: Mälardalen University Automation Research Center active
Mission and Capability Engineering for Systems-of-Systems active
Model-Based DevOps for Cyber-Physical System Product Lines active
Modeling and Analysis of Risks in Systems-of-Systems active
MONITOR: A Data-driven Intelligent MONITORring System to Improve Quality of Working Life active
MoreTrust - A Model-Driven Framework for the Design and Runtime Self-Adaptation of Trusted Smart Software Systems active
Morphological Computing in Cognitive Systems active
NeuroTrust - Trusted Smart BCI Systems for neurorehabilitation after stroke active
NFFP7-DYMA:System for dynamic matching of aviation maintenance capabilities and tactical needs using machine learning and big data active
ORPHEUS: systematic and reliable theory for model compilation active
Performant and Flexible digital Systems through Verifiable AI active
PICO - Philosophy of Information and Computing active
PRE-fall Personalized fall Risk reduction based on Early detection of deteriorated physical abilities active
PREST:Predictive Strategy using Machine Learning for Smart Test Case Selection active
PSI: Pervasive Self-Optimizing Computing Infrastructures active
Q-Test: Startup Activities: Quality Increment in Embedded Electronic System Testing (Volvo CE APP) active
Rehabilitating the motor circuits of the brain - improving motor recovery after stroke active
RELIANT Industrial graduate school: Reliable, Safe and Secure Intelligent Autonomous Systems active
ROBOREC: Semi-automated Dismantling System for Battery Metal Recovery and Recycling active
Safety Assurance in Continuous Deployment active
SECO-Collab Living Lab active
Secure Detection of Wandering Behavior: Indoor Monitoring Enhanced by Deep Learning active
SEINE: Automatic Self-configuration of Industrial Networks active
Self-supervised learning for predictive maintenance active
Serendipity - Secure and dependable platforms for autonomy active
SmartDelta: Automated Quality Assurance and Optimization in Incremental Industrial Software Systems Development active
Software Center active
Software Center: Managing Model Inconsistencies active
TAIPA - Taktil och ambient interaktion för processautomation active
TeleDrive: Teleoperated and Autonomous Driving of Unmanned Vehicles in Confined Areas active
TRIM: TRustworthy Interaction of Multi-agent systems active
Trustworthy and Human-Centered Test Automation active
TRYM: Trust your Metrics! active
WCET - Worst-Case Execution Time analysis active
Our research is funded by a number of different funding agencies. The most common ones are listed below.