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WCET Challenge 2006 – Technical Report



Publication Type:

Report - MRTC




Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) analysis has a growing importance for real-time systems, to guarantee correct timing, and to be an aid in developing such systems. The WCET tools are currently making their way out to the market, and there are many research groups active in developing prototype tools using new and better ways of calculating estimates or bounds on the WCET. The purpose of the WCET Tool Challenge is to be able to study, compare and discuss the properties of different WCET tools and approaches, to define common metrics, and to enhance the existing WCET benchmarks. The WCET Tool Challenge has been designed to find a good balance between openness for a wide range of analysis approaches, and specific participation guidelines to provide a level playing field. This should make results transparent and facilitate friendly competition among the participants. This report describes the participating tools as well as the results of the Challenge 2006. There is also an accompanying report by Lili Tan on the external tests of the tools. The WCET Tool Challenge is intended to be an annual event.


author = {Jan Gustafsson},
title = {WCET Challenge 2006 – Technical Report},
number = {ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-206/2007-1-SE},
month = {January},
year = {2007},
url = {}