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A Modular Tool Architecture for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis

Research group:

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VDM Verlag


Our society is today extremely dependent on computers. Not only PCs and laptops, but also the myriad of computers embedded in everyday things around us, such as vehicles, aircrafts, toys, and telephones. For many of these computers their correctness depends not only on the results of their computations, but also on the time at which the results are produced. Failure to produce a result within given timing boundaries may cause substantial economic losses, or even endanger human life. A worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis derives an upper estimate on the worst possible execution time of a computer program. Reliable WCET estimates are a basis when it must be proven that an embedded system always will behave correctly, even in the most stressful situations. This book contains the dissertation of Dr Andreas Ermedahl, a renowned researcher and WCET analysis expert. It presents a WCET tool architecture applicable to a wide spectrum of embedded computers and programs, together with suitable algorithms and data structures. The book should be of interest for anyone involved in embedded system development who wants a deeper understanding of the timing analysis process.


author = {Andreas Ermedahl},
title = {A Modular Tool Architecture for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis},
isbn = {-13: 9783639018813},
month = {January},
year = {2008},
publisher = {VDM Verlag},
url = {}