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Towards an Automatic Parametric WCET Analysis
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis Workshop
Austrian Computer Society
Static WCET analysis obtains a safe estimation of the WCET of a program. The timing behaviour of
a program depends in many cases on input, and an analysis could take advantage of this information
to produce a formula in input variables as estimation of the WCET, rather than a constant. A method
to do this was suggested in [12]. We have implemented a working prototype of the method to evaluate
its feasibility in practice. We show how to reduce complexity of the method and how to simplify parts
of it to make it practical for implementation. The prototype implementation indicates that the method
presented in [12] successfully can be implemented for a simple imperative language, mostly by using
existing libraries.
author = {Stefan Bygde and Bj{\"o}rn Lisper},
title = {Towards an Automatic Parametric WCET Analysis},
editor = {Raimund Kirner},
pages = {9--17},
month = {July},
year = {2008},
booktitle = {Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis Workshop},
publisher = {Austrian Computer Society},
url = {}